
We are part of our community

Eerikkilä can only succeed with a thriving community surrounding it. We must know each other and make sure that our actions increase the vitality and well-being of the area.

Our purchases add vitality to the surrounding area.

We are a pillar and advocate of the local community. Our local partners, suppliers and service providers are part of our daily operations. 2023 we purchased EUR 1,4 million worth of top grade materials, products and services from companies in our local region (5 municipalities). We would not be where we are without their professionalism.

We are a notable operator in the area. Through our purchases we want to create jobs in our own neighbourhood and support the local businesses. In addition, the result of long-term cooperation is better quality. We are able to meet often with our suppliers and service providers to discuss our needs, design better products and develop the sustainability of our facilities together. Our local partners, suppliers and service providers are a part of our everyday life. We would not be where we are without their professionalism.

We are a part of our community

We take actively part in local decision-making and different local activities. Every year we invite our neighbours for a visit to get to know our services and to develop our work.

We are a notable employer in the area. We cooperate with the Lounais-Hämeen koulutuskuntayhtymä  and provide internships to future professionals.

When we organise activities in the nature, our professionals take into account the defining characteristics of the surrounding nature. We support the vitality and preservation of the local cultural heritage by promoting the cultural destinations of the area on our website. Our services create well-being for the local residents and our guests who travel here.


Tasty, authentic and locally produced food

Our first-class food is produced in the nearby area with love.  By favouring the high-quality materials of the local producers we are able to gain knowledge of the products’ origins and guarantee that the carbon footprint of food logistics gets smaller and smaller. This also has a great impact on the vitality of the nearby area.

We want to offer healthy, nutritious, locally produced food that tastes great because nutrition is an extremely important part of comprehensive well-being.

We only use Finnish meat. Our pork and beef, potato and other root vegetables, sausages and cold cuts are produced in the nearby area. The forest and the yards of our personnel are the source of mushrooms, berries and spruce shoots. Our food suppliers include more than 10 local producers:

    • Paijan tilateurastamo (meat)
    • Syrjälän lammastila (mutton)
    • Koivulan kuorimo (potatoes)
    • Vihannes Vinnikainen (carrots, root vegetables)
    • Arolan Kotijuustola (cottage cheese)
    • Kolatun Juustola (specialty cheese)
    • Makuliha (cold cuts, sausages)
    • Humppilan Kotipalvi (cold cuts, rye sausages)
    • Antin Konditoria (ice cream)
    • Panimo OlutMylly (specialty beer)