
Youth Master Ekkono - Coaching education

Youth Master Ekkono course is specifically designed for U7-U13 age group coaches and coaching managers. The language of the course is English. Course is held at Eerikkilä Sport & Outdoor Resort. After completing the course you will receive 15h of updating education hours for UEFA C or UEFA B licences.

Master ekkono

Goals of the education

  • Learn specific concepts about all the initiation (U7-U13) contents
  • Resources to build game model based on the game understanding of the players in the team (including individual and collective concepts)
  • Focus on the most important behaviors of the coach during trainings and competition in order to help the players and improve the performance of the team

Calendar and contents

During the education we will go through tactical intentions in the different ages f.e. asking for the ball, protecting the ball and defending the ball possessor. Furthermore, we strengthen our knowledge on training methodology f.e. becoming an expert designing training tasks.

Open and see more information of the each block under the title.

Block 1: 3.-4.3.2025, Eerikkilä
  • Tactical intentions in the different ages: asking for the ball, protecting the ball and defending the ball possessor.
  • Training Methodology: Become an expert designing training tasks for initiation stage (U7-U13).
Block 2: 7.-8.5.2025, Eerikkilä
  • Tactical intentions in the different ages: getting the ball (first touch), attacking spaces and marking.
  • Training Methodology: Become an expert leading training tasks.
  • Perception: Learn how to improve your players’ perception skills.
Block 3: 25.-26.8.2025, Eerikkilä
  • Tactical intentions in the different ages: progress or pass, pass and coverage. 
  • Training Methodology: Behavioral guidelines at initiation stage (U7-U13 teams). 
Block 4: 8.-9.10.2025, Eerikkilä
  • Tactical intentions in the different ages: beating the opponent in 1 vs 1 situations. 
  • Motricity: Learn how to improve the coordination of your players. 
  • Basic Offensive & Defensive Team Fundamentals for U7-U13 teams. 

In addition, all blocks will include different types of assignment works, on field training practices lead by Ekkono Licensed Coach and the participants in the course, scouting activities and homework to guarantee the best understanding of all explanations.

There are limited places in the education. Participants will be selected on the basis of applications and previous experience of Ekkono Method is required.

Education 2025 is ongoing.

Are you interested in a coaching education? Leave us your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as the next  course is available.

Contact request - Ekkono

  • Kenttä on validointitarkoituksiin ja tulee jättää koskemattomaksi.

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Antti Kekkonen

