Ekkono Coaching pathway - Valmentajakoulutus
The Ekkono Method – how to create intelligent players?
Ekkono is a coaching method specialized in teaching football game understading, originally developed by Carles Romagosa and David Hernandez. The method is the result of a long development process of more than 20 years, which has been utilized in training centers, universities, clubs and with professional players and coaches.
The starting point of the method is to gather all the information available about the game and structure it into an understandable way of teaching game understanding. After this, the goal of the Ekkono Method is to help players reach their full potential through cognitive exercises and to teach them the key individual fundamentals of the game.
Sign up now for the 2025 ekkono coach educations!
Ekkono Coaching Pathway
Ekkono Coaching Pathway includes 4 levels. The Level 1 is organized online, and other educations (L2-L4) are organized in Eerikkilä. The levels are meant to be carried out in order, however inside the level the order can vary. In the level 3 & 4, the coach don’t necessarily need to participate in the age phase that is not relevant to his/her team. For example U13 coach don’t have to go through the educations 3.3 & 3.4, and therefore can continue straight to Youth Master Ekkono after 3.1 & 3.2. The level 3 education 3.5 is new course which aim is to help coaches and head of coaches on scouting. 
Calendar and contents
Duration of each module is two days. Each module has two different date options from which you can choose the one that suits you best. One module will be held in Eerikkilä and another one online.
Open and see more information of the each block under the title.
2.1 Ekkono Smart 1 – Games & Questions
Ekkono Smart is the proposal created by Ekkono Method for the tools to develop intelligent players.
In this course we will learn:
- Key guidelines to create quality trainings to improve specific fundamentals
- How to organize the information during the trainings tasks to become more efficient and improve the learning process of the players
- Essential didactical and methodological aspects to lead in the most effective way the training sessions and become a top youth coach
22. and 29.1.2025 (Wed) Online
26.-27.1.2025 (Sun-Mon) Eerikkilä
- 210 € per person in double room, 245 € per person in single room
- 140 € Online
2.2 Ekkono Smart 2 – Perception & Concepts
In this second part of the Ekkono Smart proposal, the coaches will get started in game analysis and perception abilities, which is a key to optimize the skills of the players. This course will introduce the coaches to planning principles, which are also developed in further courses.
In this course we will learn:
- Concepts and resources to work properly perception: What we need to train, when do we need to train, how often. Also, we’ll see best practices to improve this ability in every age group
- Learn to analyze the game from the player’s tactical intentions and get to know what the Individual Fundamentals & the Concepts are and when they should be learned
- Basic elements about how to plan correctly during the different stages
12. and 19.2.2025 (Wed) Online Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
5.-6.3.2025 (Wed-Thu) Eerikkilä Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
- 210 € per person in double room, 245 € per person in single room
- 140 € Online
2.3 Team Identity – Principles and Applications
Ekkono Identity is the proposal created by Ekkono Method for clubs and teams to develop and/or strengthen their identity. This contributes to the integral education of the player and helps to create a better and healthier atmosphere. It can also help to improve the performance and the quality of the learnings happening during the training session.
In this course we will learn:
- The four pillars of the Ekkono Identity proposal: Talkmade, Co-Learning, Smartfielder & Committees.
- Learn and experience certain processes that can be used and implemented to strengthen the identity in your team/club.
- Add tools to achieve a more comprehensive learning of the players and to accelerate it.
10. and 13.3.2025 (Mon&Thu) Online – Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
Please note that 2.3 education is online only.
Calendar and contents
Duration of each module is two days. Each module has two different date options from which you can choose the one that suits you best. One module will be held in Eerikkilä and another one online.
Open and see more information of the each block under the title.
3.1. Expert in designing training
In order to help the players, it is necessary to be able to generate an appropriate learning context into the training tasks. In this course, coaches will learn how to make it possible. To do so, they must know a lot of important details regarding how we identify a context, how we build it and what are the elements that allow the coach to generate a suitable training context for their team.
In addition, coaches will also learn how to use correctly analytical tasks and reduce the complexity of the games to adjust it to the level or understanding of the players if needed.
23.-24.3.2025 (Sun-Mon) Eerikkilä – Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
27.3. and 2.4.2025 (Thu&Wed) Online – Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
- 210 € per person in double room, 245 € per person in single room
- 140 € Online
3.2. Expert in leading your team
Coaches will understand the importance of managing and leading a team both in training and in competition, to maximize the performance of the coach and including ideas to be taken into consideration before, during and after each happening.
Moreover, coaches will go through the most important didactical aspects and how this methodological process has a direct impact on the motivation, learning capacity and the performance of the players.
9.-10.5.2025 (Fri-Sat) Eerikkilä – Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
20. and 27.5.2025 (Tue) Online – Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
- 210 € per person in double room, 245 € per person in single room
- 140 € Online
3.3 U13-U20 coach: Team Fundamentals: Offensive phase & defensive transition
Coaches will learn the key Team Fundamentals to work in the specialization stage which will give them good basis for the performance stage. Coaches will improve their understanding and game analysis abilities during the offensive phase – including fundamentals which aims to set up a good organization for the team in the different moments, and key ideas to disorganize the opponent team’s organization and break through. And also for the defensive transition, which is essential in the modern football.
Also, coaches will go through different training examples for both offensive phase and the defensive transition.
16.-17.4.2024 (Wed-Thu) Eerikkilä – Sign in (fin) – Sign in (eng)
22. and 29.4.2025 (Tue) Online – Sign in (fin) – Sign in (eng)
- 210 € per person in double room, 245 € per person in single room
- 140 € Online
3.4 U13-U20 coach: Team Fundamentals: Defensive phase & offensive transition
Coaches will learn the key Team Fundamentals to work in the specialization stage and that will serve as a basis for the performance stage. Coaches will improve their understanding and game analysis abilities in the defensive phase – including fundamentals which helps the team to not to be disorganized by the opponent team and prepare the next attack- and in the offensive transition, a key moment in modern football in order to create chances to score.
Also, coaches will go through different training examples for both defensive phase and the offensive transition.
27.-28.8.2025 (Wed-Thu) Eerikkilä – Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
2. and 9.9.2025 (Tue) Online- Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
- 210 € per person in double room, 245 € per person in single room
- 140 € Online
3.5. Master the Scouting Fundamentals: Key Criteria, Processes and Tools
Scouting departments are increasingly gaining more weight and importance in clubs, as they are a fundamental piece in improving the club’s performance. However, conducting proper scouting and mastering all its processes is not an easy task.
During this course, we will teach coaches the following points, which we consider the most important to master in order to perform effective scouting.
- Explanation of the main fundamentals for effective scouting
- Most important criterias for each specific positions to guide scouting
- Processes and tools for the development of scouting
Additionally, during the course in Eerikkilä, we will conduct a live scouting activity by watching a football match together.
15.-16.9.2025 (Mon-Tue) Eerikkilä – Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
23. and 30.9.2025 (Tue) Online –Sign in (fin) / Sign in (eng)
- 210 € per person in double room, 245 € per person in single room
- 140 € Online